What Happens with HMO Emergencies - R2R - Rent to Rent


How do you manage your HMO emergency calls?
Here is a quick and easy way to set up a system for emergency calls.


Welcome to our Rent 2 Rent Secrets video and blog series and this week we’re looking at an excellent question about emergency calls…

“What systems do you have in place for those tenant emergency calls? Do you personally delegate and what operating procedures do you have?”

I know many people outsource their tenant emergency calls, all of our tenant's emergency calls go to a landline number which diverts to a mobile.

We have very few emergency calls – maybe one or two per year. The reason we have low calls is because we have an online check-in checklist where we go through things in quite a lot more detail than we used to.

We use an online management software called ‘Arthur’, where the tenants can add any maintenance they require. They can put on any photos or information any time of the day or night.

They are aware that they should only call our out of hours as an emergency and if it requires attention right then and there.

At the moment we manage it within the team, and the number that the phone diverts to is one the team’s mobile’s, but you can easily also outsource the calls.

I hope you’ve found that useful and please add any comments if you have any further questions.

All the best,

Stephanie & Nicky



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