How Long Will it Take Me to Get My First Rent to Rent Deal #R2rshortandsweet #4


How long will I have to wait to get my first deal?
There are two sides to this answer which we’ve listed in more detail here…


How long will it take for me to get my first rent to rent deal?

This is a popular question which I get asked a lot from people who have joined our Kickstarter course and my answer is going to look at two sides to this!

How committed are you?

When you join our rent to rent course that's a great step in the right direction - you feel excited and you want to get started. But then life can take over and unless you maintain your commitment to yourself every day and take the actions, then you won't be successful.

If you take the actions consistently every week, then we’ve seen people get their first deal between four weeks and four months.

It can take some people longer if they aren’t prioritising their actions because they are busy with their young children, busy with work or busy with other things.

The actions you need to take from the Kickstarter coaching or just to get your first rent to rent deal is really simple, and we break them down step by step by step for you.

  • Setting up your business so it's legally compliant

  • How to put an offer in so that you're more likely to be accepted

  • How to talk to the letting agents and landlords

  • A whole range of tips, scripts, checklists, templates and spreadsheets that we use in our own business

How do I make sure I do it and stay consistent?

This is where the group comes into it. When you are in a group and you see people being successful, where people are there to help you and answer any questions you might have - it helps take you to that next level.

Whatever you do in life and whatever level you're at, you’ve got to have some big goals. This year we're stepping up our goals and one of them is writing a book and part of that requires me to be more visible – which is freaking me out inside.

When people start doing rent to rent they can start getting freaked out – it could be by writing the letter that does it, or talking to agents, but at some point you all get freaked out and that's the time where you need support.

You need to have the tools in your toolbox to be able to say to yourself, OK, I'm feeling scared but I'm okay with it.

And the tools that you need to give yourself are:

  • The emotions are not real

  • The emotions will come and go

  • You feel scared when you call the agent, but you can still experience that emotion and make the call

  • Remember you have a vision and a mission

  • A mission to get your first deal

  • Keep taking the actions no matter how you feel about it

  • The emotions are temporary, they will pass, and it will get easier and you have to go through it

These are some of the things we show you in our Kickstarter coaching, because we're all emotional beings and it's the emotions that stop us.

For example, I've been going to the gym every day and when I get up in the morning, especially at the beginning when I felt really unfit, it felt too early and I was in the habit of going to bed too late.

So, it felt difficult and my body was talking to me and telling me, you don't really want to go there, you don't really want to do that.

It's thinking about the pleasure right now, the pleasure of staying in bed. It's not thinking about the future pleasure.

And so, we have to be able to have that conversation, feel those emotions, and still do the thing that we want to do for our life.

And as we do that more and more often, we feel more confident. We start to trust in ourselves.

We start to feel amazing about ourselves because we know we do what we say we're going to do when we say we're going to do it more often than not. And the more you do it, the more you want to do it.

To recap on the answer to the question, how long will it take you to get your first deal?

Usually if you take the actions, it'll take you between four weeks and four months.

Let me know what you think and how long it took you to get your first deal?

That’s it from us and speak to you soon.

Stephanie & Nicky



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