What is the minimum amount of money I need to get started in rent to rent?

This weeks Ask The Angels question is based on two questions based around  about how much money you need to get started and addressing some of the details you need.

Here’s Ade’s question...
"Kindly confirm the total minimum amount required to start my business"

And Evelyn asked...
"I need to know how much I would need to get started. Would I need funds for redecorating the property? ”

I get so many questions asking how much it costs to get started in rent to rent that I thought it would be worth recording an episode just on this.

Instead of needing around £50k for deposit buying costs and refurb you can get started for much much less... what we call 'little money'.

But what exactly is ‘little money’.

That’s what I’m going to break down in today’s episode.

I'd loved to hear if you were you surprised by the low start up costs in this episode.

You can have you question answered at

If you’re on Spotify it’d be amazing if you can do that for us
✅ https://rent2rentsuccess.com/spotify 

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Until next time, have a great rest of the week.

And remember, Believe Bigger, Be Bolder and Be a Gamechanger!

See you soon!
Stephanie & Nicky

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