Rent to Rent Deal Analyser - Analyse any Rent 2 Rent Deal in Minutes


If You’re Worried About Whether a Deal Works
Worry no more.
Get our deal analyser and know for sure!
The numbers don’t lie

Today, I’m talking deal analysis
How to analyse your rent to rent deals.

Now this is important because it’s the difference between having a successful and sustainable business or over stretching yourself and going down at the pan.

Today’s question was asked by Eduardo.

Eduardo left a comment on my video the Five Simple Steps to Getting Your First Rent to Rent Deal, and this was Eduardo's question.

"This is a great video Stephanie, very informative and I must say you're a great presenter. Thank you for the great info. If you can, a video on how to analyse ... on how you analyse your deals will be very useful."

So here it is
Exactly how we analyse our ideals.

I'm going to go into our deal analysis spreadsheet and show you the steps that we take to make sure that every deal is a winner.

And the best bit is that this spreadsheet is available for you to buy.

Watch the video here to see the rent to rent deal analyser and see how it works.

Our Deal Analyser includes all the costs and not just a few of them like you see sometimes from deal sourcers.

The numbers don’t lie.

Get this right and your business will fly!

Speak soon!
Stephanie & Nicky

Dream Bigger ⭐ Be Bolder ⭐ Be a Gamechanger

#YesYouCan #Rent2RentSuccess


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