Rent 2 Rent Success

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Get Started in HMO Property Investment Without a Deposit!

Get Started in Property with Little Money

Want to learn more about how to get started in property without deposits?

Learn how we did it, built up the cashflow and experience to buy property worth over £1m in 2.5 years.

Why did I wait so long?!

I wish I had known about this years ago!
My sister Nicky and I started investing in property full-time in 2016 and it’s not exaggerating to say it’s totally changed our life.

I waited until I was 45 to get started.
And it’s my mission to share the message of Yes You Can to inspire you to get started sooner!

You’re probably sceptical though

You might be thinking though
Why have I never heard about this before?
And surely, if this were true everybody would be doing it?

I felt the same
Property profits without a lot of money sounds like it must be a scam.

Let me explain what happened

In 2016 we started in property using one of the ‘no money down’ property cashflow strategies called rent to rent.

I’d decided that in spite of my scepticism I wanted to give it a try.
What if it was true and I could escape my 9-5 and have more flexibility to live a life I really love and be there for my family?
I got the courage to try when my Mum got sick.

This strategy is what’s enabled us within two and a half years to create a really thriving property business. And then also now in the 2.5 years - and this still blows my mind - purchase property worth over a million pounds.

Now I know that these days a million pounds is not so much as it used to be, but it means a huge amount to me because it's just something that I thought was not available.

So if that's you right now, this post is for you.

The £50k Barrier

So what you need normally to get started in HMO investing is at least £50k. Even ‘up North’ in the lower cost areas of the UK, to buy a small HMO for under £100k, you'll still need coming on to £50k to cover deposit, buying costs, compliant refurbishment, furnishing and dressing. You may be lucky and do it a little bit less, and in many cases you'll need more.

The strategy we used is called rent to rent.

What is Rent 2 Rent?

So rent to rent is where you rent a property off a landlord.

We typically rent the larger properties that are already house shares also know as houses of multiple occupation or HMOs for short.

We rent them for 3-5 years.

During that time we pay the utility bills and so on, and we give the landlord a guaranteed rent.

So it's a winning situation for owner with guaranteed rent and total certainty for that term. In short, it’s a truly passive income for the property owner.

And for us, we'll then refurbish the property and let it out to tenants and provide beautiful affordable homes for them.

And the difference between the rent that we pay to the landlord and the rent that we get from the tenants after paying the bills is our profit.

The extra income we get every month.

This consistent cashflow has changed our lives

  • We’ve escaped our 9-5s

  • We’ve outsourced by employing an Assistant Property Manager

  • We have a passion and vision to help you change your life through property too using our step by step Programme and Yes You Can mindset

And if you want to create long-term wealth you can take the experience and profits from your rent to rent business and start buying property assets.

As I mentioned, we are now building our owned property portfolio which is already worth of 1 million pounds. Crazy to me.

You can do this too.

Is Rent to Rent right for You?

If you’ve always had a desire to run your own business, become a wealth creator and escape the rat race, then rent to rent could be for you.

Not everyone has this spark to be a business owner and wealth creator. So if you don’t have the entrepreneurial spark and the desire for more, we’re not a good fit.

Like me, you may have suppressed this desire for years, or decades, thinking that you don’t have the right contacts, the right expertise or enough money.

And none of that is true.
With desire, you can get the expertise and start right now with little money just like our Rent 2 Rent Rockstars.

Dip your toe in

A great way to dip your toe in the water is to get our free rent to rent guide and online training.

If you have the spark of desire for more in your life, our Guide and Free Online Training give you a step by step walkthrough of what’s involved.

It’s the fasttrack to making it happen for you.

Towards the end of the training you’ll also learn more about our Rent 2 Rent Kickstarter Coaching Programme which is a way to work with us more closely and get results faster.

Bye for now
Stephanie & Nicky

Dream Bigger ⭐ Be Bolder ⭐ Be a Gamechanger

#YesYouCan #Rent2RentSuccess

If you want to get started in Rent 2 Rent and take your first step to financial freedom but you're not sure where to start, you're in the right place!

Get Started with our Free Online Training
CLICK HERE for the 5 Secrets to Rent 2 Rent Success

Want to fast-track your success?

Find out more about our Kickstarter Coaching Programme and work with us.
CLICK HERE to book a call with Stephanie

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