3 Thing You Need to Get Through Coronavirus with your Sanity Intact!


3 Thing You Need to Get Through Coronavirus with your Sanity Intact!

In the video I talk about the 3 things that will help us all get through this together.

 CLICK HERE to watch the video 

3 Things You Need to Get Through Coronavirus with your Sanity Intact! Coronavirus#1

This is the first in a short series of videos all about Coronavirus and how you can get your Rent to Rent business through the Coronavirus confusion in one piece, and also help you still deliver for your landlords and for your tenants while you do it. 

Because wow, doesn't it feel a bit surreal what's happening?

The latest at the moment is that we have been asked not to go out at all, unless it's for 

  • Buying food

  • Caring for someone or buying medicine

  • Exercising once a day 

  • Going to work, if it's essential and you can't do it from home

My yoga studio is closed so I'm doing my yoga at home now as the studio is streaming it online - which is fabulous, and that's helped me keep my mind and spirit together through this challenging and uncharted territory.

This blog and video are all about the three things you need to do to get through Coronavirus with your sanity intact

Let’s dive in…

1 Acknowledge the Fear

You first need to acknowledge the fear

You’ve probably seen the pictures or videos of people wrestling with little old ladies in Sainsbury's.And oh my goodness, they must feel so embarrassed and ashamed when they watch that back.

But that is the sort of thing that can happen when the fear grips you and you go into instinctual behaviour, not logical behaviour. 

I watched a video of a young woman with two packets of nine toilet rolls in her trolley and she was trying to wrestle with an old lady for another packet. That's not logical - it's just crazy. 

And we're all prone to this. You might think, "I would never do that," and you might not, but I’m sure we can all think of times where we did things through fear or through anger, which we later regretted, or at the very least were totally embarrassed by. 

You need to acknowledge the fear as this is going to be around, both for yourself and for people around you. And to empathize with yourself and with them, as we're all going through this tough time.

People are going to be scared and people are going to be acting strangely and even aggressively - we've seen this on social media. And when you get down to it, it's all down to the fear.

So, when you acknowledge the fear and you can empathize with people who are coming to you from that physical place, it just helps you to move forward in a much better way.

2  Have Compassion

Have compassion for yourself, because you might be like me, and one day think, "Oh, my goodness! This is the end of the world!" And the next day, you think, "Oh, this is just a minor blip. We can get through this, no problem." 

You will experience some ups and downs and some emotional times, because we are emotional beings, and these are uncertain times for us all. Others are going to come to you from this place of fear,  and possibly anger about what is happening to them.

If you can approach them from a place of compassion, it's really going to help both you and them, and it’s a skill you have to get into. Ensure you listen and then empathize before you act.

3 Move into Your Gamechanger Brain

This is the one that will make you successful, if you can move into a game-changer brain.This is a skill that you need to practice. 

When we're in this time of siege mentality which brings up those primal instincts to move into your toddler brain or chimp brain, as some people call it.

It’s wanting to avoid pain and seek pleasure, and at the moment it's very much about avoiding pain, protecting ourselves, building barricades, buying a hundred toilet rolls, or over-shopping. 

You can see that mentality across the country. 

And when you can move from there consciously, your game-changer brain is the one that will vision you ahead.

Where do you want to be in one year? Where do you want to be in five years? Where do you even want to be next month? That's your game-changer brain.

When you can come into your game-changer brain and come out of the emotion and fear mentality and mindset, it opens your mind to be able to think more clearly and to be able to look at things logically.

It helps you to take the steps forward to get to the results that you need to get to, this month, next month, next year, and the year after that. And it's such a powerful thing when you can do that.

Those are my three things to keep your sanity within this Coronavirus:

  1. Acknowledge the fear

  2. Have compassion - for yourself and for others

  3. Move into your Gamechanger brain so you can really think clearly and take the steps forward that you need to in your business

In this series of blogs and videos, I'm going to be talking about the steps that we're taking to move forward in our rent to rent business and sharing with you what’s happening in our business. The real deal. No sugar coating!

All the insights and the details will be in our Rent 2 Rent Success Secrets Facebook Group. During Coronavirus lockdown we’ll be Going Live every Wednesday at 8pm.

Join our inspiring and reassuring community, this community of people who, like you, want more than the nine-to-five. And it's great to be with this like-minded community in this time of uncertainty.

Join the Rent 2 Rent Success Secrets Facebook Group

All the best and stay safe,

Stephanie & Nicky


✅ CLICK HERE to book a call with Stephanie ✅

CLICK HERE to join the Rent 2 Rent Success Secrets facebook group
