Rent to rent won’t work for me because...


Hello, hello, hello and welcome aboard episode 46 of the Rent to Rent Success Podcast and today we’re talking about…

Why you’re not good enough! 

This week is about the lies we often tell ourselves. 

It’s part of our mythbuster series,

if you’ve hesitated about getting started,

if you feel anxious about speaking to landlords and letting agents, this one is especially for you.

Our book is launching soon and if you’re listening near the release date,
you can be part of the pre-launch for very special offers exclusive for our students. 

You can sign up at


So let’s get into it...

You are enough! 

I remind you of this because I see in our Kickstarter Programme many of us have so much self-doubt, irrespective of how many achievements we have.

So, if you’ve listened to many episodes of this podcast and thought to yourself ‘I couldn’t do that because…’

I want to remind you:

You are not too young.
You are not too old.
You don’t have too many children.
You are not too shy.
Your accent is not too strong.

I can say this confidently because these are all concerns people have had before they successfully got their first deal. 

There are people right now who have success in rent to rent:

Who are younger than you.
Who are older than you.
Who have more children than you.
Who are shyer than you.
Who have a stronger accent than you.

You are enough exactly as you are. 

And you will succeed. 

Will you be amazing straight out of the gate? Probably not.

And the good news is

You don’t have to be great to get started but you do have to get started to be great” 

Zig Ziglar. 

Just get started.
Most of us give up on ourselves before we’ve started.
I did that and wasted too many years.
We waste time listening to people who don’t have the results we’re looking for. 

People who’ve never invested in property.
People who’ve never had a business.
People who complain about their lives and situations.

If there’s one lesson I wish I’d understood earlier it’s...

Listen to those who have done what you’d like to do.

They understand how to move past the obstacles you need to navigate. They can show you shortcuts to success.

Don’t just accept what anyone says to you blindly, including me, take all new information and ask the ultimate authority. 

The one who has your best interests at heart, the one who knows you inside out.

Ask You!   

I thought you might need a pep talk and a reminder today.
Also check out episode 6 
Why you are your own worst enemy sometimes and what to do about it

If today is the day you need to get started then sign up for our

Free Rent 2 Rent Success Guide and Masterclass

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And for every podcast review you give, you’re giving to help children in the Turkana region of Kenya to have the uniform and books they need to attend school. We’ll be contributing through B1G1. 

Until next time, have a great rest of the week.

And remember,

Believe Bigger, Be Bolder and Be a Gamechanger!

See you soon!
Stephanie & Nicky

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