Rent to rent doesn't work in Article 4 areas


Today we’re talking about article 4 in the last of our series of episodes busting common rent to rent myths.

If you have no idea what an article 4 area is or if you think article 4 will stop you doing rent to rent, you’re going to love this episode.

If you’re just joining us, go back to episode 1 as the episodes do build on each other to give you the full view of rent to rent success. 

Before I start today I want to thank you for all your reviews on apple and Spotify. 

Here’s what Ju said

Absolutely brilliant. First class podcast.

I have just listened to Stephanie’s interview with Valter Pontes for the second time. The first time I did I was so engrossed listening I missed my turning on the motorway!

Stephanie is the real deal. A really genuine person - exceptionally warm, friendly and helpful. This shines through in her podcasts and her live talks. She is really giving with her insight and experience and somehow she manages to get first class speakers on her show who are ordinary people from all sorts of backgrounds that inspire you, make you think and deliver massive value.”

Thank you Ju.

If you enjoy the podcast please do subscribe and review, it really does mean the world to us and it helps others find us too.

Let’s dive in...

Article 4 is a direction under article 4 of the General Permitted Development Order which enables councils to remove some 'permitted development rights'. 

What Article 4 means in plain English is that a planning application has to be submitted to the relevant council to change a house to an HMO even for 3 or 4 people, which under the national legislation wouldn’t require Planning. 

(It should be noted that Planning permission is, and always has been, required to convert a single family house into a large HMO with 7 or more unrelated persons sharing). 

So many people use article 4 as an excuse not to get started.

We have a successful rent to rent business in an Article 4 equivalent area and because we focus on existing HMOs, it doesn’t stop us.

If anything, it’s an advantage because there is less competition because it’s more difficult to convert a house to an HMO.

When you focus on existing HMOs everything is already done for you. You don’t need to pay for additional works to get it to HMO standard. 

You don’t have the uncertainty about whether planning will be granted.

And yes, landlords and agents will rent existing HMOs to you on a rent to rent basis.

Sometimes, it can be worth the time and expense of going through planning, for example if you’re buying a property or if you have the property on a very long lease at a no-brainer rent.


Generally, though we do not recommend that as beginners you go for properties that aren’t HMOs in Article 4 areas. 

Although there are exceptions to every rule and Rent 2 Rent Kickstarter Maria Opaniran has done this successfully and you can hear her talking about it in the bonus Rockstar episode.

Rent 2 Rent as a busy mum of 3 with rent 2 rent Rockstar Maria Opaniran

We suggest you start with already licenced HMOs.

So, while others think article 4 means you can’t get started.
You now know that rent to rent works on existing HMOs. Therefore you can operate in all areas, even Article 4 areas.

But shhhh don’t tell everyone, let’s keep it between ourselves.

Our book Rent 2 Rent Success is out soon.

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And for every podcast review you give, you’re giving to help children in the Turkana region of Kenya to have the uniform and books they need to attend school. We’ll be contributing through B1G1. 

Until next time, have a great rest of the week.

And remember,

Believe Bigger, Be Bolder and Be a Gamechanger!

See you soon!
Stephanie & Nicky

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