How to do rent to rent when you’re shy or an introvert


193 – So many people feel that if they’re shy or an introvert they can’t be successful in business.

And certainly not in a rent to rent business where ability to talk to landlords and letting agents is important.

So what do you do?

First let me tell you that shyness or introversion does not stop you from being successful in business.

I felt shy when I started, now I don’t.

In this episode I want to share with you something which blew my mind the first time I heard it…

I was crying because we had to speak out loud and I didn’t want to.

He simply said, you’re aren’t shy.

Or at least, you aren’t shy in all situations.

There are people with whom you feel comfortable and confident.

Maybe your family.

Maybe close friends.

Maybe at work.

And this tells you something.

This tells you that you already have the skills to communicate well with people.

We just need to bring it out in new situations.

This was the bit that opened my mind!

I’d never thought about it like this before.

I’d thought I was shy and destined to be that way forever.

Let me tell you a quick story to illustrate this.

One of our Kickstarters worked with me one to one for a while because his shyness was so debilitating.

Let’s call him Chris.

Chris is a senior engineer, very talented guy.

At work in meetings he felt confident about his contributions.

However, when going to see letting agents he found he was very nervous.

He’d start getting anxious the day before the meeting, and it got worse after covid and a period of home working.

Each time there was a meeting his anxiety would build and build.

His heart would race, it got so bad that he would shake.

He was almost ready give up on rent to rent, until I showed him, what my old teacher told me.

That he’s not shy.

I asked him how he felt in work meetings.

He said he feel confident. At work, I know my contribution is useful.

I asked him how he felt speaking to letting agents.

He said he felt anxious like I’m going to make a fool of myself.

I said ‘what if you thought you had a helpful contribution to make to letting agents?

He looked shocked.

Sometimes we don’t realise that we can shift our thinking like that.

I knew Chris was rock solid on his pitch, had a great delivery and would be great asset to letting agents or landlords who worked with him.

Immediately, he looked hopeful.

He had a property networking event the next day, he’d been dreading it, but armed with a new thought of:

‘I can help people’ and letting go of ‘I’m going to make a fool of myself’, he went to the event.

And before he went, I gave him another tool which helped me with my anxiety and shyness over the years and might help you too.

Be curious

Don’t overlook the importance of this one tip.

It sounds so simple, yet most people don’t do it.

Adopting curiosity will help to prevent the nerves that come from anxiety. It’s much more difficult to be anxious when your focus is on understanding someone else.

When I say ‘be curious’, you know what to do.

You naturally listen more and focus on understanding the other person very well.

You’ll naturally ask more questions, and when you combine curiosity with a desire to add value, you’ll become a magnet for opportunity.

Treat it as game - be curious about what happens.

In computer games there are levels and at each level you learn things that take you to the next level.

Let it be fun… even when you ‘fail’.

Chris went the property networking event and felt the anxiety and old thoughts returning but was able to reply to himself and say I can be helpful.

And I’m looking forward to meeting other investors and finding out about them.

He really enjoyed the event and felt much less anxious than in the past.

When going into letting agents he embraced the thought…

I know I can help and felt the confidence he feels at work.

And the curiosity about what agents ask, what they seem to like and dislike.

This simple change in approach brought him more viewings and eventually a 5-bed HMO deal.

The power of what I share here shouldn’t be underestimated.

People often talk about building confidence but rarely talk about how to do it in easy-to-understand, practical terms.

When you begin doing these things regularly, you’ll see your success rocketing.

The bottom line is:

You are not shy.

Or at least you’re not always shy.

And you can use the feelings and thoughts you have in situations where you feel more confident to increase your confidence in new situations.

Embracing curiosity, and seeing it as a game can really help you feel less heavy.

Embrace the art of experimentation - the more you do it, the better you’ll get.

You are not shy.

If you’re in the Rent 2 Rent Kickstarter Programme with us you’ll have Module 2 Mindset Mastery.

And if you’re new with us today and want to get started with our Rent 2 Rent Success Masterclass, you can grab our free 90 minute rent to rent training at

For more information on how to get started
Click here for your free Rent 2 Rent Success Masterclass
Click here for a free copy of #1 book Rent 2 Rent Success
Click here for a free copy of the Rent 2 Rent Success audiobook

More ways to work with Rent 2 Rent Success
Click here to find out more about the Contracts Power Pack and rent to rent Mentorship

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Until next time, have a great rest of the week.

And remember, Believe Bigger, Be Bolder and Be a Gamechanger!

See you soon!
Stephanie & Nicky

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