What HMO property maintenance should I pay for as a rent to renter?


Welcome to episode 7 of 'Ask The Angels' where we answer your rent to rent questions.

We’ve had a question I know lots of people are confused about.
It’s from Rulwan about paying rent to landlords or agents

Here’s Rilwan’s question...

"My question is regarding maintenance. 
What are the things we’d be expected to take care of in relation to maintenance? 
Should we pay for things like fixing boilers and major works like heating?
What sort of things would we be required to take on without this affecting our profit margins on a monthly basis? 
I’m aware that things like cosmetics and other small fixes within the properties will be my responsibility.
I’d really appreciate a response and clarification on this please. 

This is a question so many struggle with so I think you’ll find this useful.

If you’re in Rent 2 Rent Kickstarter Programme you find more details about exactly how to run your HMO so it gives you freedom both financial and time freedom. 
That’s in M6.5

Make sure you have the right contracts too which will protect you if a landlord refuses to pay for urgent repairs such as a boiler breakdown in winter. 

You can find out more about contracts on our blog.

Ask your question!
If you’d like to have your question answered go to rent2rentsuccess.com/ask and record your question from me to answer for you.

Or if you’d like the Free Rent 2 Rent Success Guide & Masterclass

✅ https://rent2rentsuccess.com/guide ✅

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Until next time, have a great rest of the week.

And remember, Believe Bigger, Be Bolder and Be a Gamechanger!

See you soon!
Stephanie & Nicky

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