How can I make rent to rent offers to HMO landlords and agents without insulting them?
Welcome to episode 26 of 'Ask The Angels' where we answer your rent to rent questions.
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Today we have a question from John about making offers to landlords and agents...
“I'm struggling to put offers to the landlords that I've spoken with so far without insulting them. The ones that I've spoken with all seem to want way too much for the houses and it just doesn't stack for me - profit close to zero sometimes.
Is it just a numbers game?”
Yes, making offers can be tricky for beginners.
What we need to explain to landlords is that actually what we're offering is different to what the letting agents are offering.
Check out the full episode to find out the two key things you need to do to make your offers irresistible to landlords and agents!
If you’d like to listen to a copy of our Rent 2 Rent Success book on Audible visit for a free 30 day membership.
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Nicky and I narrate the book ourselves and we’ve had great feedback on it, see what you think.
Ask your question!
If you’d like to have your question answered go to and record your question from me to answer for you.
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Until next time, have a great rest of the week.
And remember, Believe Bigger, Be Bolder and Be a Gamechanger!
See you soon!
Stephanie & Nicky
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