Rent 2 Rent Success

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Rent 2 Rent Letters That Work! The Fast Track to Getting R2R HMOs

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This video shows how to create magnetic marketing letters to HMO landlords with compelling content which really works!

If you’re fed up putting in lots of effort for little reward, read on!

Today's blog is about the holy grail of lettings marketing, the perfectly crafted direct mail letter.

We've built up a successful HMO lettings business and it's been built up with a number of marketing strategies that I'm going to share with you over the next few weeks.

It's a super successful strategy because we get most of our new properties through the direct marketing letters.

It's the way you can speak directly to your customers.

There’s a phenomenal return on landlord letters when you do them right.

Top tips for your landlord letters

It's not about you, it's about them
Don't talk about how great you are, or the great staff you've got, or the skills you've got, how fantastic you are.

What we need to talk about is the landlord, the landlord's problems, and how we can solve those problems.

What do landlords care about?

Landlords, like most of us, want to support their families, support their lifestyle, and have investments that they can be proud of.

They don't want to spend more time with their tenants than they do with their families, and they don't want to be embarrassed about their HMOs because of bad management.

Listen - When landlords call you what do they say?

What words do they use? What issues are there in your local area that you can help them solve?

They might say to you, "I hate all the paperwork or I hate the licensing visits'“. Whatever words these landlords are using, whatever phrases keep coming up in your telephone conversations with landlords these will be the issues not only for these specific landlords, but for other landlords as well, and these are issues to bring up in your letters.

Talk about the problems. We all like someone who understands us and we understand what it's like to manage HMOs, so show that you understand the problems and show that you can solve these problems.

Show it with words, show it with photos, show it with social proof in the form of testimonials, before and after photos.

You can buy copies of our letter templates to get the phones ringing in your business.

How to send your HMO Landlord Letters

You might think this is obvious.

This is the madness I see all the time people spending a lot of money and time and getting lacklustre results.

So if you’ve been doing any of the following things…

❌ Complicated mail merge

❌ Printing hundreds of letters

❌ Buying multi-coloured envelopes

❌ Handwriting the addresses on those envelopes (yes this is what people are doing!)

❌Sticking stamps on your envelopes. Hundreds of them. By hand!

… you’re going to LOVE the shortcut

Now, lots of people say that these are good things to do.

My belief is that you’ll get a better return on sending more letters which my system will allow you do do.

Even 50 letters feels like a lot when you do everything by hand. And where’s the upside? It’s more time consuming and it’s more expensive!

So what’s the answer Stephanie, you ask?
Drumroll please…
Stannp is the answer

The time versus return benefit of using Stannp is fantastic.

Here’s how it works.
✅ You have one electronic version of your letter.
✅ You have one spreadsheet with your landlord name and address data.
✅ You upload your letter to stannp with tags of where to insert the first name and the address.

Stannp does the rest!!!

And how much does all this cost Stephanie?
That is the best part my friend, it cost less than the price of a second class stamp, so you simply can’t beat them by buying paper, coloured envelopes, printer cartridges and stamps.

Now, there is one drawback to this is that the letters have on a little box, it's like a barcode which shows that it's part of a mail merge letter.

What matters though is the RESULTS!
And up to November 2019 we’re bringing in £400k per year, most of which is through landlord letters.

Could it actually get any better?
Well yes it could, if you use our link for Stannp below. We get a little thank you from stannp and you don’t pay any more.

The biggest takeaways

1. It's about them and not you
Make your letter focus on solving problems.

2. Include social proof
Show and tell. If you’re just starting out consider including a professional photo of you and, at the very least, include your logos of regulatory bodies.

3. It's about the sizzle and not the steak
I love this one.

Your goal with your letter is to give the idea of what working with you can be like.

Just as in the restaurant the smell of the food cooking is so mouthwatering you can’t wait to order!

When the right landlords read your letter they should think "Oh, this would be amazing," No hassle, guaranteed rent, fantastic. Where do I sign up?"

Even if they’re sceptical they want to pick up the phone and find out more.

If you’re not getting great results with your marketing letters, check out what we’re doing and get our rent to rent letters here to get your phone ringing.

Speak soon

Dream Bigger ⭐ Be Bolder ⭐ Be a Gamechanger

#rent2rentsuccess #yesyoucan

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